Winter Offer: Book a 3 Hour Personal Styling Package and Receive a $100 Westfield Voucher

Book 2 Hours b (Custom) (2)

Book three hours of one on one “how to” fashion advice and personal styling and you will receive a $100 Westfield Shopping Voucher to get you started on a wardrobe you’ll love!

Do you spend well earnt money on clothes only to have them sit in your wardrobe taking up space because you’re unsure if they suit you or they don’t go with what you already have?

Booking a Personal Styling Day is ultimately investing in all future fashion mistakes! For just $297 you will receive there hours of one on one advice, plus $100 to spend on clothes and accessories that will help you achieve the stylish look you want!

You can learn more about our “Stylish” Personal Shopping Day by clicking here OR

Take the hassle out of shopping by registering your details below and your stylist will be in touch to schedule you in.

[contact-form-7 id=”16457″ title=”Winter Promo”]

We can’t wait to meet you!

Offer applies to bookings made by 30 June 2016.




221, Mount Olimpus, Rheasilvia, Mars,
Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy
+1 (999) 999-99-99
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