Let's revamp your wardrobe!

Online Personal Styling Services

Styling solutions from the comfort of your home  

Constantly striving to stay ahead in meeting my clients’ image and personal styling requirements, my Online Personal Styling sessions have been running smoothly since 2016!

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, Style Culture was reaching out to women and teens, helping them overcome the daily struggle of deciding what to wear. Whether you are in Sydney, elsewhere in Australia, or even overseas, my online personal styling packages are tailored to make you feel as if you have your own personal stylist by your side.

“What you wear reflects how you feel on the inside”,

Kerry K.

Online Styling Packages

Update your personal style and master smart shopping tips online – while in the comfort of your home 

Redefine my style

A complete Wardrobe & Shopping make-over experience conducted virtually online. Designed to revamp and refine your wardrobe, rediscover the joy of dressing up, and eliminating the necessity to physically visit the stores.

Online Personal Styling

Would you like assistance in shopping for outfits that match your lifestyle and work routine? Do you need guidance on the latest fashion trends to update your style? Save time! Enjoy updating your style with the assistance of a stylist, regardless of your location.

Virtual Wardrobe Edit

Transform your entire wardrobe with my personalised Online Wardrobe Fix package. Unlock a fresh perspective on your current style while editing and culling your wardrobe. This package is tailored to meet your individual needs in the convenience of your own space.

Men’s Online Styling

For men who aren’t keen on shopping, simply share your preferences and budget with me; I’ll craft a personalised style that you’ll enjoy wearing. Whether you need a wardrobe refresh for the office or a casual weekend look, I’ve got you covered.

the rewards of working with kerry

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some question we get asked by our clients. Have a different question? Please contact me anytime.

Style Culture offers an experience in personal styling and with first-class customer service. When making an appointment, Kerry herself will make contact via email or phone to schedule your styling time.

We don’t believe there can be one type of client. Ages range from 16yrs – 70yrs, men and women. The one thing they all have in common is that most have experienced some sort of change in their life to warrant a desire to work on their image. The variety of motivations can include a move to a new city, pre or post pregnancy, transitioning jobs, getting in shape or a change in their relationship status.

Clients share a common desire to improve their general well being by enhancing the style and image they portray.

We do not make money or commissions based on how much you spend when shopping. Our fees are for our expertise and time. We help clients (both women and men) achieve their best by teaching them about their own body shape and how to feel confident about themselves on a daily basis. Our packages start at $95 per hour and can be customised to suit each individual’s requirement.

The amount you choose to spend is totally up to you. We work with clients with all ranges of budgets. During our initial phone consultation we will make a point to discuss this with you. Once you have filled out your client form it will help us to try and achieve your expectations.

During personal shopping trips we will always try our very best to stay within a specified budget, working towards achieving the best possible value for items you may purchase.

Style Culture is completely independent and although we like to have our favourite shops within some centres, we do not at any stage take commissions from retailers.

Once you have decided to book your personal styling service, you simply go to the Contact Us page and complete the form. Alternatively you can send an email to info@styleculture.com.au. We will contact you once the request has been received and reviewed.

We will speak with you a couple of days before your appointment to discuss your requirements and  expectations. A client consultation form will be sent to you and this should be completed and submitted to us prior to the scheduled styling service. A current photo may also be requested via e-mail prior to our meeting.

Having received all the information provided on the client consultation form, we will arrange to meet at a comfortable and quite place within the chosen shopping area to review the  information you have provided. We will then visit the most appropriate stores that we feel you can best benefit for your desired style. After that it is totally up to you how you wish to spend your time shopping with us.

Payments can be made by credit card through our Paypal account (via invoice) or bank transfer.

Once a particular styling service is booked, we will request the form of payment preferred and then generate an invoice for payment accordingly. For credit card payment a fee of 3% is chargeable.

We require payments for your booking in full prior to your appointment. Payment serves as a confirmation of your booking.

Gift Certificates are valid for six months from the date of purchase. Please refer to the Gift Certificate page for more information.

221, Mount Olimpus, Rheasilvia, Mars,
Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy
+1 (999) 999-99-99
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