
Payments for your booking are required prior to your appointment. This payment serves as a confirmation of your booking.

Payment can be made by credit card through our Paypal account or bank transfer; we also accept direct bank deposit into our Style Culture account.


Cancellation Policy


You are able to reschedule any date you have made, as long as it is within less than 48hrs before your scheduled appointment. Making note of your appointment time is of great importance, as this will be strictly adhered to.


Should we at Style Culture need to change & re-schedule an appointment, we will also confirm this to you by no less than 48hrs before the scheduled appointment.



Receiving a refund is never a problem, as long as your decision to receive a refund is not less than 48 hrs prior to your scheduled appointment.

Receiving refunds for clothes and other items purchased whilst shopping in store is the responsibility of the client. As such any refund request should be made directly to the store.

221, Mount Olimpus, Rheasilvia, Mars,
Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy
+1 (999) 999-99-99
Thank You. We will contact you as soon as possible.
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