Personal Shopping – Personal Styling Consultation Sydney

Hi Kerry

I’ve just about finished my first week of work, and just wanted to thank you for how much of a difference our shopping trip has made to my life. Seriously…

Getting dressed in the morning used to be a little stressful, trying to find an outfit that would “match” and be stylish yet practical. Now my mornings are a breeze! I feel confident with everything in my work wardrobe and don’t feel outdated anymore. I feel ten feet tall, and have been getting compliments from all my new colleagues.

My self-esteem is boosted every time I walk out the door, something I never thought possible, especially from a single shopping trip. I now have a fair idea about what colours and styles will look good and match the pieces we bought. In fact I’ve even bought a few tops for work in the sales!

I had such a fun shopping day with you (the only time I’ve been shopping for clothes and come away with a smile). I look forward to seeing you next time I need to add to my wardrobe, and the time after that. I recommend a day with you for ANY person who struggles with the day-after day battles of what to wear and how to feel good wearing it.

Elise M. (Medical Doctor)

221, Mount Olimpus, Rheasilvia, Mars,
Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy
+1 (999) 999-99-99
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