Wardrobe & Shopping Make-Over – Gift Voucher


Purchasing this for yourself?  You can do so by visiting this link.

You will find the combination of both wardrobe and shopping services very effective, leaving your wardrobe refreshed and organised, with plenty of new ideas given by your personal stylist on how to mix and match what you currently have as well as adding new finds from the personal shopping day. This package can be split over two separate days or booked all at once on the same day.

What’s included:

  • 2 hour wardrobe fix in your home
  • 2 hour personal shopping day

Where we shop:

  • Wardrobe Fix: We come to you for this one! We cover the Sydney Metropolitan area, North Shore, Northern Beaches, The Shire, Eastern Suburbs and Inner West, outside of this a travel fee may apply.
  • Shopping: Sydney City, Chatswood, Macquarie Centre, Bondi Junction, Miranda, Parramatta and Birkenhead Point – we know them all well! We will gladly travel to a shopping centre that is convenient to you. Other areas also serviced on request. A travel fee may apply, please enquire for more details.

In stock

Delivery Method
221, Mount Olimpus, Rheasilvia, Mars,
Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy
+1 (999) 999-99-99
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