Winter Fashion-The Style Guide to Easy Dressing

Welcome back, as I type this month’s style update, the Winter chill is well and truly being felt right now. With colder days comes the urge to layer up and keep warm. Cold weather dressing needn’t be boring or drab, while we might experience a mood shift during the winter months, my feeling is our daily dress code should too!

It’s a little-known fact, making an effort to get up, dress up and show up, despite the weather, boosts productivity and confidence. These small daily actions have the ability to set the mood and your mindset for the day and week that follows. Don’t deprive yourself the privilege of slaying your work-to-weekend style just because it’s cold outside. Falling into the trap of auto pilot comfort dressing aka ‘frumpy style’ should never be an option.

So, let’s explore fuss free fashion this June and July with styles to keep your outfit inspiration flowing, for you to want to ‘look and feel like the best version of yourself’. And say no to combinations of ill-fitting oversized clothes that manage to make you feel unsettled and unseen! Opting for très chic winter styles instead, shall we!

PS. While our June/July Style Culture Magazine offers you new-season fashion finds, I’d like to remind you to revisit your own wardrobe before shopping for more. Schedule a Wardrobe Fix sort-cull-and-style with Style Culture Styling to help keep your closet and personal style on track. Now taking bookings for August, 2023 via the link here– spots are limited!

With Love & Style Always!

Kerry K xo

Kerry K Athanassiou | Style Culture Founder

The Winter Style Guide to Easy Dressing

It’s Here! The latest Cold Weather Inspired Shoppable Mood Board…

Your Winter Style Guide to Easy Dressing has been curated by me, for you, in hope of inspiring your cold weather outfits with what you currently have. And for those in need of a stylist’s helping hand to shop for clothes that instantly refresh and update your wardrobe, this month’s shoppable mood board does just that. Click on the image below or directly here, listen to my styling tips each month and shop your favourites via the links, while stocks last.   ♥


**Did you know as a Style Culture subscriber you will receive access to all shopshare videos first?

**Did you also know you can have your very own personalised shoppable mood board curated with up to 5 items from your shopping list for just $297? I do the hours of behind the scenes shopping research, according to your budget and style brief, you enjoy the fashionable selections curated for you! Received straight to your inbox with a private VIP client link only you can access.

Clients LOVE IT! Enquire at

How-to Not Dress & Look Like A Frumpy Mum   


I really do despise ticking boxes and the ‘frumpy mum style” is one I have jumped through fires to avoid the last 20 years. ha ha jokes, no jumping into or around fires, however I have been known to interrupt a conversation or two when hearing fellow women have given up on taking better care of themselves since becoming a mum. Your body is your temple, the change of weather, age, weight gain or loss, marriage and becoming a new mum should never stand in the way of who you are, what you enjoy and how you want to look.

And although I’ve had first-hand experience with the day to day work-family life balance on any given day, this is your kind reminder, YOU are the most important person in your life!

So let’s begin with 5 simply styling tips to help you NOT fall into the Frumpy Mum trap this season or ever really!

1. Avoid the oversized loose tops trend worn back with relaxed flowy skirts and pants. If you must wear a loose top, balance your bottom half by teaming it back with a fitted pant or skirt.

2. Stay away from gym gear unless you are working out. It’s a no brainer sign of ‘I hate my clothes, so I am wearing lycra all day – everyday”.

3. Throw away your jeggings. Jeggings are not jeans! I repeat jeggings are not jeans, they are made for comfort, and that’s about it! Apologies in advance but I’m here for the truth!

4. Please Do Not wear clothes. Tops, bottoms, and winter woollens that look tatty, are overstretched, well-worn or faded. Even if it’s to the corner shop. If clothes look tired and worn so will the person in them!

5. Say goodbye to clothes gifted to you that are not your style, shape, colour, and size. Well-meaning friends and family will often palm off clothes they never loved.  Free clothes not purchased by you, are a recipe for miss matched style likely to make you look frumpy, depress you and bring you down. Get rid of them, they’ll never know!

Will you give these 5 steps a go? Let me know in the comments below or feel free to add your feedback on my social post.

* Over the past 15 years I have helped thousands of women boost their confidence with fashion while redefining their personal style. If this is something you need in your life right now, a personal stylist’s help to elevate your personal look and switch things with how you dress, I’m here for you. You would be amazed what we can achieve within a few hours together. I can’t promise miracles, but I will guarantee you the most productive shopping time you have ever experienced! Now taking Personal Shopping Bookings for August 2023, via the link here 

KK’s Hit List

Cold weather needn’t equal dry skin. On the list this month skin care to nourishes and combating the winter elements. Plus statement shoes and gold hardware bound to boost your cold winter mood.

I’ve made it that much easier for you to shop the KK favourites with a one stop shop mood board via the links here 



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