Ultimate Teen Personal Shopping & Makeover Experience


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Are you tired of constantly arguing with your teenager about their fashion choices?

Do you find it difficult to keep up with the latest trends and styles?

Look no further than my Ultimate Teen Personal Shopping and Make Over Package. I work one-on-one with your teenager to create a personalised day out being styled and pampered.

Together we shop for clothes that suit the ever-changing teens body shape, look for clothes that complement their unique personality and preferences.

From finding the perfect outfit for a special occasion to putting together a completely new wardrobe overhaul, my ultimate styling package includes hair styling, make up application, colour analysis and where to shop moving forward. Leaving your teenager feeling confident and beautiful in their own skin.

Say goodbye to fashion headaches and welcome a stress-free, stylish future for your teenager with our unique package. Our all-inclusive program is tailored specifically for tweens and teenagers.


  • Style Consultation – Get to Know You
  • Your Teens Ideas, Style Struggles and Fashion Aspirations
  • Kerry’s Research + Pre-shop hours
  • Personalised Shopping Day Specific to Your Needs & Budget
  • Body Shape Analysis and Strategies
  • Hair Styling – Includes Hair Stylist Consultation, Haircut, Wash, Blow-dry
  • Shopping Wish List
  • Digital Colour Wheel – Take Home Digital Colour Chart
  • Bonus Style Images Taken of All Looks Created – like a look book valued over $297

Where we shop

  • Specifically catered for an entire day spent in the heart of our bustling Sydney City. We shop, style, and pamper within the Sydney CBD, visiting specialty stores, while working with industry professional hair stylists and makeup artists to deliver the very best results to you and your loved ones
221, Mount Olimpus, Rheasilvia, Mars,
Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy
+1 (999) 999-99-99
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