Creating a Style & Image That Speaks to You

Adding purchases to your already jam packed closet will NOT create your Personal Style, it will however…


*Add more clutter to your already full wardrobe.


*Continue to add overwhelm, frustration, eventually allowing the self-loathing to settle in.


*Add strain on your finances.


*Add to the ongoing cycle of short lived instant gratification.


Does this sound familiar, have you felt this way?

I get it, you may be one of the many continuing to spend days working from home, distracted by that clever little computer cookie popping up at exactly the right time showing you the latest trends, I’ve been there!

Here’s the thing though, buying that fab dress on sale and not knowing ‘how-to’ wear your purchase won’t solve your dressing room problems, but rather add confusion. That’s called clever marketing.

Experience and exposure over the last 20 plus years with design, retail industry and fashion has shown me, being ‘stylish’ does not equate to ‘buying more’, buying more acts as a temporary fix until the next purchase.

The good news is everything is fixable and more to the point you can learn to break the cycle of sporadic purchases made that don’t feel like you.


What to know when looking to develop an image and Personal Style that speaks to you:


*Personal Style happens when you accept buying more will NOT make you happy.


*Personal Style is a working progress, evolving from year to year just like your body and lifestyle.


*Personal Style happens when you embrace all that is you and STOP comparing yourself to friends, reality TV stars and Instagram posts!


*Personal Style also happens when you seek advice from a professional, someone that genuinely cares about working with what you have, clearing what doesn’t serve you well, advises on what suits you vs what not to purchase moving forward and where to shop.


It really is that simple, your personal stylist will share her genius zone just like you share your expertise at work each day. I share this with you so that you know it is possible for every shape and size to develop a Personal Style you love without feeling like you’re spending all the $$ trying your best to fit in to an image that’s not you, that almost always leaves you feeling ‘Blah in return every season.


If you’re ready to stop wasting $ on clothes that never get worn send me a message on

+61 419616737 or contact me here  Together we will develop a Style that suits just you!


Warm Wishes KerryK xox

Personal Style is a working progress, evolving from year to year just like your lifestyle.

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