6 Easy Steps For A Well-Organised Wardrobe

I have always believed that no matter how large or small your wardrobe space may be there is something rather liberating in opening those doors and knowing you have a well-loved and organised wardrobe. Naturally this makes for easier outfits styled during our morning struggle with what to wear, right?  Here’s a list of 6 achievable steps you can take now in achieving a well-kept wardrobe.


1. Divide & Conquer

I’m sure you have all heard me say many a time “dressing should be fun and easy, not a daily dose of stress”.  If you have clothes that have not been worn and loved for more than 2 seasons its time for change.

Start by asking yourself why you haven’t worn it. Has your lifestyle or career changed? Do you fit into it or does it make you feel good? If you answered no to any of these questions, time to say… Hasta La Vista Baby (quick add it to the sell, throw or donate pile). No point in hanging on to those pinstriped suits if your path has now taken you to the yoga studio, get the picture? It’s amazing how long you will just ignore a wardrobe and how much better you feel once it is finally well organised. Take some inspiration on these before (left) and after (right) pics featured below.

messy-wardrobe-before   messy-wardrobe-after

2. Uniform Your Hangers

By uniform I mean pick the style and type of hanger that you love best and stick to it throughout your entire wardrobe (this does not include nasty dry cleaning hangers). Doesn’t sound like a big deal but the type of hanger used will play a big role in the overall appearance to your wardrobe and a huge difference in space taken up.

If you do have the room, wooden hangers make a statement in every wardrobe, but if you are pressed for space, try these non-slip huggable hangers they work fab for me. Not only are they designed to keep garments from falling off, they also take little to no space allowing more clothes to fit in your wardrobe.

wooden-coat-hangers   felt-coat-hangers

3. Sort By Colour

Why? Because it’s visually pleasing when you open your wardrobe doors daily and ultimately can save you  a great deal of time when looking for tops and bottoms to match for your daily dress.

Personally I try to make this process as simple as possible by dividing the clothes into tops, bottoms, blazers and dresses. Keeping all the clothes on hangers inside the wardrobe while doing the sorting is so much easier, rather than laying it all on your bedroom floor or chair. It also prevents frustration and anxiety that can build-up while building a new wardrobe.

Once the clothes are sectioned and sorted it is time to colour code. Don’t stress, keep it basic, think about lining the lightest colours first e.g. white, cream, naturals and work your way into corals, reds followed by teal, blues, navy and black. Get the picture? Should you favour a monochrome wardrobe, simply line the lighter colours in the centre and work your way out (see images below).

wardrobe-inspiration   wardrobe-spaces

4. For The Love Of Shoes

Some call me obsessed but I like to think of myself as having a lifelong love affair with each and every pair of shoe. Treat them right and they are bound to love your toes and feet back (insert giggle). Seriously though, if you are constantly digging into dark corners due to a missing mate for your favourite kicks, it’s time to admit something needs to be done.

It’s not realistic to think every wardrobe or dressing room will have the space for displayed shoes, but organising and allowing for the shoes to breathe helps preserve their life. It also allows for you to see what you have preventing you from unnecessary future purchases.

Get creative with smaller spaces like using a ladder, it’s a fab way to display heels and you can add scarves, jewellery and an umbrella or two!


Picture boxes initially take some time to set up, but will pay off in the long run. By marking the front of your shoe boxes with printed pictures of each shoe, it takes away all that time playing “guess what’s inside this box”.  Depending on your budget you may want to straight up invest in better quality boxes, Howard’s Storage have a good variety or if you would like to start by keeping it simple, its IKEA that’s got you covered.  P.S the same system can apply to any handbags and hats you need sorted.

shoe-storage-boxes   shoe-box-storage

5. Make Good Use Of Upper Shelf Space

Consider shelf dividers that turn space into little cubicles allowing winter woollens, clothes and handbags easy to see and access. This especially helps create a pretty site displaying and maintaining your investment handbags beautifully, whilst preventing folded and stacked clothing toppling over creating a big mess (see images below).

tidy-wardrobe-spaces   organised-wardrobe-space

6. Display Your Well-Loved Jewels

This one is a no-brainer really, if you can’t see it you won’t wear it, it’s as simple as that.

Don’t spend valuable time searching for your favourite pieces every second day only to find them in knots. Create chic and elegant spaces to display your jewellery by flat laying or hanging where possible. Avoid having your earrings slide around by storing them in a compact felt lined draw, like the jewellery box below. Not only will you feel fab when accessorising, your jewellery will keep from getting tangled too.

Large trending timepieces and chunky bracelets tend to take up a decent amount of space, invest in a double-bar display stand (image below far right) showcasing the larger pieces. And if you have the space you can expand and display at your pleasure.

jewellery-stand jewellery-box jewellery-watches-and-bangles

7. Oops maybe just 1 more… Make time to sit back, relax and enjoy your bedroom.


Inspirational Images Sourced @ Pinterest


Are you ready for a wardrobe revamp but not sure where to start? Feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below or get in touch to start your wardrobe detox today. We would love to help, its kind of what we do! You can call us on 0419616737 or pop an e-mail to contact us here and if you want to hear it all first hand from our gorgeous clients, pop over to our Style Transformation & Testimonials page.

Love to hear from you soon

xox KerryK


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